Candidates for Co-Chair East and West
The duties of the co-chairs will be as follows:
Represent and speak on behalf of the IMSAC.
Call meetings, chair, and plan the agenda for council meetings.
Oversee all IMSAC events and committees.
Act as a support to other council roles as needed.
Has co-signing authority on all financial transactions with the Director of Finance.
Responsible for overseeing the association bylaws and governance.
Coordinator initiatives across the country
Candidates for Director of Finance
The duties of the Director of Finance are as follows:
Has co-signing authority on all financial transactions with the Co-Chairs.
Maintains accounting records and provides quarterly budget reports.
Pursues external funding opportunities and sponsorship from partners.
Facilitates reimbursements and keeps record of all expenditures.
Candidates for Director of Community Engagement
The duties of the Director of Community Engagement are as follows:
Supports students looking at their journey of healing, connecting students with cultural supports, finding workshops, including working with external community agencies to bring in workshops and events
Collaborates on community events with other organizations.
Manages networking opportunities and the mentorship program.
Responsible for recruitment of incoming Indigenous medical students, residents, and doctors for membership and mentorship.
Works with university-specific Indigenous medical student associations.
Candidates for Director of Communications
The duties of the Director of Communications are as follows:
Manages the public profile and social media of the association including the IMSAC website.
Takes minutes at all council meets and distribution of minutes after meetings.
Responsible for guiding internal and external communication for IMSAC.
Candidates for Director of Advocacy and Representation
The duties of the Director of Advocacy and Representation are as follows:
Directs advocacy activities of the association including reports, events, or initiatives.
Consults Indigenous medical students regarding advocacy and representation needs.
Advocates for association members’ needs to external organizations.
Oversees research initiatives and programs.
Candidates for Director of Student Affairs
The duties of the Director of Student Affairs are as follows:
Coordinates wellness events and resources.
Oversees IMSAC wellness initiatives.
Supports Indigeneous medical students regarding the access of emotional, mental, and spiritual resources locally and nationally.
Promotes and advocates for the well-being of Indigenous medical students on a national level.
Coordinates Elder supports and cultural events.
Candidates for Regional Directors: Western, Ontario, Atlantic, and Quebec (4)
The duties of the Regional Directors are as follows:
Represents their respective regions and chairs all regional meetings of their constituents. Regional designations are as follows: Western, Ontario, Atlantic, and Quebec*.
Act as a liaison between the association and other regional/provincial organizations.
Support other portfolios of the Leadership Circle as needed.